JTO Connect 2016

Dear All:

Blessings on each and every one of you!

JTO Connect is less than 6 months away!  As I shared earlier, we will gather at Bergamo Retreat Center in Dayton, Ohio from Friday, July 29th to Sunday, July 31st, 2016. Our theme for the weekend:

Francis Now !   Celebrating the Journey, Living the Dream

We hope you can join us as we re-connect and re-vitalize our Franciscan commitments and connections.   All are invited! And we absolutely want to meet your spouse. The Planning Team is prayerfully working to create a weekend combining prayer, fellowship, formation and fun.  Please find both a Potential Program and a Registration Form on the JTO Connect web site (jtoconnect.org).  Simply complete the Registration Form, by clicking on link above or at the end of this email, make your check payable to JTO Connect and then send both to:

Therese Zins (see registration form for additional information)
There are a limited number of rooms available at Bergamo Retreat Center, both single and double, so we are assigning rooms on a “first come, first served” basis.  Get your registration in early!

We will continue to post information on the JTO Reunion Group Facebook page and on the JTO Connect web page (jtoconnect.org). If you are on Facebook and are not following the page, we invite you to join. Feel free to post pictures and comments to either the JTO Reunion page on Facebook or on the web page.

We need your help as we attempt to reconnect with JTOers across the country – anyone who attended a Convention or participated in a Fraternity, Franciscan Youth Group, high school group, or whatever. We want to give everyone updates about the JTO Connect event in July 2016. Please help us by:

  1. Sharing your own contact information at jtoconnect.org, responding to this email or by contacting any member of the Planning Team.
  2. Sharing the contact information of those JTOers you have remained in contact with so we can include them.
  3. Contacting any/all JTOers and make sure that they are clued in. Encourage all to follow both the Facebook group and the website at jtoconnect.org.  There are still so many we interacted with on Convention and within our local groups that are not yet informed. Again – Do not be shy. Spread the word and help us grow our database of JTOers.

I look forward to gathering with you at the Bergamo Retreat Center on July 29th through 31stnext summer (http://www.bergamocenter.org/).  Nearby airports include Dayton (25 miles from Bergamo) and Cincinnati (70 miles from Bergamo).  You can contact me at kenrasp55@gmail.com or270.316.8774 with questions if you need additional information or just want to connect.

May God bless you and keep you! May He shine His face upon you!

Ken (Kenners) Rasp

Click on any of the following links to view the document:

Registration Form
JTO Connect Database
Potential Program
Frequently Asked Questions – we will add to this document as new questions are asked
Planning Committee

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