Summary of Reunion Planning Meeting – Day 1

Yesterday was an amazing day! I thank those in the picture for taking time away from their families to participate in what turned out to be an incredibly prayerful and awesome planning session. I walked away from yesterday’s session renewed and inspired – in a very similar way I felt those many years ago following a day of sharing, playing, laughing, crying and praying on Convention. The years apart seemed to melt away as we shared our personal stories and eagerly jumped into the planning process. Our discussion was insightful, inspired and absolutely worthwhile.

Our discussion yesterday was very fruitful. We came to the following decisions:

1. We are looking to host this reunion/renewal in mid July, 2016. Our target weekend is July 15, 16 and 17.

2. A theme for the weekend was identified – Francis Now! Celebrating the Journey, Living Dream.

3. A Location/Lodging Team will be looking at location in a 100 mile radius around Indianapolis. Therese Zins, Steve Knapp and Mary Lamping will be working on this.

4. The Registration Team will be continuing to develop a database of names. Utilizing both Facebook and email, the team will keep all informed. All are not on Facebook. We want to develop a database that includes email addresses. We will need your help in gathering the email addresses. The team includes Connie Neesen, Ken Rasp and Mike Rasp.

5. in the coming weeks, the Technology Committee will be developing a Website. It will be a site that will provide information, share Convention rosters and pictures, help us gather email and contact information and potentially provide a way to register for this re-connection event. This team includes Mike Rasp and Bob O’Dwyer.

6. We also talked about Marketing and Publicity. The team includes Patrick Mosher, Brother Scott Obrecht, Julie Rashid and Ken Rasp.

Much was accomplished yesterday as we began to wrestle with the Who, What, Where, When and How question. Continue to pray for this wonderful group as continue our prayerful conversation after Mass this morning. Your help is needed. We invite and encourage your involvement. Please respond and let us know how and where you feel called to help. The Team leader will contact you and find ways to bring the team together using email, Skype and/or other technological tools. Please respond here or contact me at 270.316.8774 or via email at

Speaking for the group gathered in Oldenburg, we thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

May God bless the JTO family and shower His peace and grace upon all.

Ken Rasp


1st Row – Mike Rasp, Connie Neeson, Kathy O’Dwyer, Clarissa Millner, Therese Zins, Kathy Hooper, Patrick Mosher
2nd Row – Br. Scott Obrecht, Bob 0’Dwyer, Julie Rashid, Steve Knapp, Ken Rasp, Mary Lamping, Rod Neeson

7 thoughts on “Summary of Reunion Planning Meeting – Day 1”

  1. Mary L Meyer

    Congratulations on the great start. How great to know this is percolating up just a mile from where I live. You are there through noon today, right? I meant to tell you in advance…I have been a massage therapist for 23 years and I have an office there at the Franciscan Center. Sorry I didn’t give you advance notice. If any of you would like to complete your reunion retreat with a stress relieving, body & soul satisfying massage, feel free to Call me. 812-212-9673.

  2. Paul Grote

    The reunion sounds great. I’ll mark midJuly 2016 on my calendar. But it’s a long distance to Indianapolis. Looking at the photo, Ken was the only person I could pick out.

  3. Ken Rasp

    One of the cool things about this group is its diversity. Our years of involvement go from the early 70’s to the early 80’s. We know there were conventions before and after those years. Anyone we can find will be invited. Please help us find those who attended a JTO Convention. If they are on Facebook, invite to join this group. If not, either ask them to contact me ( or or send me their contact(even if it is just an address) info and I will contact them. We want to be as inclusive as possible. We appreciate your help.

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