Reunion Group

I begin most days with an early morning walk. It serves not only as much needed excersise, but also as a time when I converse with God. The topics of our conversations are many and varied. This morning, with His help, I spent most of the hour and 15 minutes reflecting on each of you. The pictures posted this week by Fr. Joe brought so many wonderful and powerful memories flooding back. Even more important was remembering the feelings of self-worth, love (both being given and received), generosity, and sheer enjoyment experienced every time we interacted – whether at a Section Meeting, a retreat or day of recollection, or on Convention. Through each of you, God was working to form me. This morning I prayed for each of you and asked God to bless you and hold you close to His heart. I thanked Him for the gift each of you were in my life – and in many ways continue to be. I look forward to the reunion so that I can tell you that I love you and wish you God’s peace in person.

Therese Zins and I spoke recently. We are amazed at the number interested in reconnecting. It is fun to watch the number grow. From looking at the pictures, there are so many more we can reach out to. So many beautiful faces whose names are lost in the deep recesses of my brain. Please help by spreading the word. Invite anyone who might be interested to join this Reunion Group. If they are not on Facebook, please have them email me at or call my cell at 270.316.8774. Let us leave no stone unturned.

We also talked about the creation of a Core Leadership Team to help us in the planning of the reunion. We would love to have at least one person from each city to step forward. We plan to meet either on the evening of April 24 or 25. Our plan is to find a way to use Skype, Go To Meeting or some tool so that we can meet both in person and on-line – utilizing both voice and picture. If you are interested, please respond to this post. I thank you in advance for your interest in helping.

Have a blessed day!!! ????

Posted by Ken Rasp

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