JTO Connect 2016 was a success

  Over the weekend of July 29, 2016, 60 people traveled to Bergamo Center in Dayton, OH for JTO Connect.  The weekend was a time to reconnect with friends made during JTO days, make new friends and enhance our relationship with God. The fellowship began Friday afternoon as people started arriving to the Bergamo Center. 

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JTO Connect 2016 – Letter 3

As I sit and begin to type this letter, I realize that two months from today, we will be together at Bergamo Retreat Center in Dayton OH closing out what I am sure will be a fun, spiritually uplifting and personally enriching JTO Connect.  To say that I am excited is complete understatement.  So many

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JTO Connect 2016 – letter 2

He is alive!!!  We are reminded what an amazingly merciful God we have as we celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday this past weekend during the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy!  God is good – all the time!  All the time – God is good! From its beginning, JTO Connect has been about finding ways to reconnect

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JTO Connect 2016

Dear All: Blessings on each and every one of you! JTO Connect is less than 6 months away!  As I shared earlier, we will gather at Bergamo Retreat Center in Dayton, Ohio from Friday, July 29th to Sunday, July 31st, 2016. Our theme for the weekend: Francis Now !   Celebrating the Journey, Living the Dream

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The following is an email sent out by Ken on February 9 WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!!! Please note the following: ·         JTO Connect – July 29th to 31st at Bergamo Center in Dayton, OH. ·         The Registration packet will go out to all in our database, via the Facebook JTO Reunion group and via our

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We need your help!!

The following email was sent out by Ken Rasp. The Planning Team and its committees are hard at work preparing the JTO Connect event scheduled to occur July 29th through July 31st at Bergamo Retreat Center in Dayton, OH. Our goal is to have a skeletal outline of the event and registration materials ready for

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JTO Reunion

Dear all: A short time ago, I sent the following message via email. If you did not receive it via email, it means that we do not have a valid email address for you. Please contact me or one of the Planning Team members so that we can update your contact info in our database.

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JTO Reunion at Bergamo Center

The reunion team has good news! We have set dates and a place for the reunion – July 28, 29 & 30, 2016 at Bergamo Center, in Dayton, Ohio (http://www.bergamocenter.org/). The center is a very nice place for our gathering. More details, later. Mark your calendars! Posted by Therese Zins

What did you save from your JTO days?

Do you have convention rosters?  Schedules?  Handouts?  Pictures? Would you like to share what you have with others?  We would like to build the repository of information on this website.  So, look through your attic, your bookcases, under you bed, wherever you might have kept your JTO mementos over the years. Scan in the information and email

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Continued Summary of Reunion Planning Meeting – Day 2

My original intention was to send this update either yesterday before I left Oldenburg or once I got back to Owensboro last night. I apologize for the delay. After Mass in the Sister’s Chapel, we jumped back into the conversation. The following teams were created following significant and very intentional discussion. 1. Program and Schedule

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