JTO Connect 2016 was a success

Welcome Poster


Over the weekend of July 29, 2016, 60 people traveled to Bergamo Center in Dayton, OH for JTO Connect.  The weekend was a time to reconnect with friends made during JTO days, make new friends and enhance our relationship with God.

The fellowship began Friday afternoon as people started arriving to the Bergamo Center.  Friday evening was highlighted with a Keynote talk given by Fr. Christian Moore as he talked about his journey with Francis over the past 40 years (or so).  The evening included time for reconciliation and ended with social time.

Saturday morning began with prayer and then we listened to Patrick Mosher, Bob O’Dwyer, Therese Zins and Clarissa Millner share their journeys with Francis.  We broke into small to continue the theme of sharing our journeys.  We sat with our fraternities during lunch.  JTOers, being the resourceful types, ensured that tables were rearranged to make this happen.

Saturday afternoon we continued with small group activities to discuss ways to continue fraternity today, either virtually, with others where we live or other methods.  Groups finished the afternoon by combining to create a chart to explain what is fraternity.  The afternoon concluded lighting of votive candles and walking to the Chapel for liturgy.

The evening was highlighted by Fr. Greg Friedman’s talk about “Who is Francis in our world today?  Who is Francis for me today”.  We concluded the planned activity of the day with evening prayer, which started with the Living Rosary thanks to the Ramhaps.  The day finished with social time.

Sunday’s activity was a Call to Action discussion about how to continue our renewed journey.  Everybody was asked to fill out their personal call to action.  These were placed in a basket during the concluding liturgy.  One final fellowship was shared over lunch before we said goodbyes with thoughts of “until next time”.

Thank you to the team that put together JTO Connect.  Thank you to the participants, without you the weekend would not have been the success it was.  Your willingness to fully engage in the weekend brought us all back to our youth and being on Conventions.  Thank you to all those that were unable to attend but kept JTO Connect in your prayers.  We truly were touched by the Lord because of your prayers.

Until we meet again, either virtually or in person…


View the Call to Actions here.

View the many pictures taken over the weekend here.



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