Call to Action Statements
  1. Be more patient with everyone I come into contact with and try to be more tolerant of those that might annoy me
  2. Pray more frequently for fraternity members in need
  3. Look for a spiritual group or activity that my husband and I can attend as a couple
  4. I want to reunite with former JTO group. Maybe monthly with speakers, information, etc. and social time. Maybe start an outreach type program
  5. Maintain relationships re-established @ JTO Connect
    1. Help launch JTO Virtual
  6. Seek out volunteer opportunity to serve the homeless/poor.
  7. I will commit to more time for daily prayer & listening to what the Lord is telling me, make an effort to stay connected with other JTO members. I feel a need to pray for our children. Many of us bemoaned the fact that our children did have the opportunities that we had with JTO. Our collective prayer for them would be powerful. As in Fr. Greg’s talk, Francis’ focus was foremost to know God and His love – My FOCUS.
  8. Contribute to weekly basket
    1. Rosary or Morning Prayer
  9. To simplify my life and belongings – donate to the poor via St. Vincent DePaul
  10. To Jesus:
    1. Grow more spiritually by saying the rosary
    2. Review my activity with own church
    3. Continue being a Eucharist Minister @ hospital
  11. Feeling the sense of community and after listening to my fellow group members I would like my fraternity to reconvene and start our monthly meetings again.
    1. Prayer – Formation – Social – Service
    2. Find my own social service to my fellow man
  12. Spirit leading me to:
    1. Learn/read more about Francis and his Rule
    2. Begin meeting, on a regular basis, with members of St. Anthony Fraternity
  13. I feel called to more with my gift of music – singing and playing the drums, etc. Not sure if I need to take guitar lessons to make this possible or just continue as is – I expect God to make this clear
  14. Try to work with former fraternity members to meet spiritually and/or meet and volunteer once a month
  15. Need to improve my prayer life
  16. Renew my study of Francis and my Franciscan Way of Life using one of the books suggested by Fr. Greg
    1. Study Laudato Si
    2. Discern how to continue to be involved with JTO Connect
  17. I will offer Mass once a month for members of JTO living and deceased. For the next year
  18. Simplify my life ….. declutter, toss away, recycle, give to those in need
  19. Pray daily for people who do not agree with me morally or politically
  20. Reconnect with all established Secular Franciscan Group
    1. Read Franciscan books
    2. More structured prayer time
  21. I will pray daily for those who impact my life and those whose lives I touch
  22. Grow my relationship with God
  23. Read a book about St. Francis’ life
    1. Develop my daily prayer life
    2. Discern whether to part be of JTO planning team for upcoming JTO Connect Event
  24. Daily Rosary (up from several times a week)
    1. More of a focus on relationships over duties – this includes Jesus and family
    2. Just being more cognizant of Christ within me
    3. Posting the refrain from the theme song a the office
  25. Organize a group gathering of St. Anthony’s group
  26. Be more service oriented toward others
    1. More loving and selfless for family members
    2. Continue to build community and fraternity with SFO at home
  27. I promise with the help of God to be a better spouse, listen more and pray more for my spouse.  I want to learn to pray more and listen to God’s answers, and  to be open where He leads me
  28. I feel called to make a radical change in my lifestyle.  As Robert shared, I also want to jettison those things that I do not need.  I commit to living a simple, Francis-driven life where I live in community, one with God’s creation. I commit to learn to live a contemplative lifestyle, one that is anchored by a strong and disciplined prayer life, with a social purpose, and in unity with God
    1. Also – take guitar lessons
  29. Committing to reading the Saint and the Sultan
    1. Committing to living intentionally in keeping the spirit of SS Francis and Clare
    2. Committing during the upcoming election season to be a peacemaker – that is to speak the truth in live vitriol to stem the tide of hate and divisiveness
  30. To try to live more like Francis
    1. To focus always on Jesus and not myself
    2. To make people more important than things and/or time – my greatest enemy
    3. To see Jesus in the face of all human beings, even those I have “problems” with, or those I don’t like
  31. Reconnect and Connect with Prayer & Mass on a daily and weekly basis
    1. Re-establish better work-life balance
  32. I will be more patient with my family and listen better to family member needs
  33. Aspirations
    1. Give mercy more freely
    2. Pray more – taking time to be quiet
    3. Read “33 days to Morning Glory”
  34. Connect more with my siblings and other family
  35. Continue:
    1. Daily Mass
    2. AM Mary Undoer of Knots
    3. 8 PM Devine Mercy
    4. Increase Rosary
  36. Expand the number of people that I physically touch daily who are ill or terminally ill, bringing them the Lord’s love and joy
  37. Pray the Rosary weekly for the JTO Connect experience to continue to grow and remain in each of us
  38. Will try to gather local JTOers for social gatherings
  39. Renew my learning from Francis Daily / Weekly reading and study
    1. Pray daily
    2. Connect with at least one JTOer each week
  40. Pray for group every day in AM prayer
    1. A Rosary and/or Devine Mercy praying for each on a bead @ Friday 2 – 3 AM Holy Hour
  41. Reach out more
  42. I will reconnect to my local Franciscan Fraternity
  43. I will be more present to my family as a  husband and a father
    1. I will more actively discern how God is calling me to serve Him
  44. “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace”
    1. These words have made a great impression on my life.  From the time I first heard them, to the present, they continue to guide me to the person of God the Father, Jesus His son, and the most Holy Spirit.  For as time goes by the words of the bishop become ever so more clearly, “That which man has started, let God bring to perfection.”  All of this is a process not an event.  Child of Francis.
  45. I hope that the Lord helps to PRIORITIZE my time better
  46. Regularly connect with nature in some meaningful way
  47. Get group together to meet regularly
  48. To ask for the Lord’s guidance re: reviving the Mt. St. Francis JTO group
  49. Walk a Labyrinth sooner than 15 years from now
    1. Read a book about Francis that is current
  50. Resume Mass attendance
    1. Connect with Fraternity
    2. Reach out more
  51. Send cards to all attendees
    1. Attend Mass as many days during the week as possible and remember the intentions of all JTOers
    2. Say a Rosary weekly for all attendees of JTO Connect and all who wanted to attend but could not
    3. Spend time each day in front of the Blessed Sacrament in silence realizing that God usually talks to me in whispers